PhD fellowship Aristoteles Latinus


The PhD fellowship is part of the project Questions of life and death. An inquiry into the reception of Aristotle’ s De longitudine et brevitate vitae and De iuventute et senectute, De vita et morte, De respiratione in the Middle Ages, financed by the Fund for Scientific Research – Flanders. Central in your research is the 12th-century Latin translation of Aristotle’s De longitudine et brevitate vitae, made by James of Venice. You are expected to critically edit this translation according to the standards of the Aristoteles Latinus series (which implies not only a study of the Latin tradition but also of its Greek sources) and to study the reception of this text in medieval thought. Promoter of the project is Pieter De Leemans.

More information about the project or about the Aristoteles Latinus can be requested by e-mail.


MA in Language and Literature: Latin and Greek, MA in philosophy or MA in history with academic distinction.
Excellent knowledge of both Latin and ancient Greek is absolutely mandatory.
You are interested not only in philology and text editing but also in the history of philosophy and science.
Knowledge of (Latin/Greek) palaeography and codicology is a plus.


We offer a fully funded PhD fellowship for 4 years. The PhD fellowship will lead to a doctoral degree awarded by the University of Leuven. Starting date (preferably) 1 October 2016.


For more information please contact Prof. dr. Pieter De Leemans, tel.: +32 16 32 63 37, mail:

Interviews will be held with shortlisted candidates in the second half of August. A decision will be made soon afterwards.
You can apply for this job no later than August 14, 2016 via the online application tool


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