Mellon Fellowship in the Digital Humanities

This fellowship aims to support the work of scholars in the humanities or social sciences, librarians, archivists, and data science professionals whose research interests or practice cut across traditional disciplinary boundaries and actively employ technology in their work. Projects can address any aspect of the Italian Renaissance, broadly understood historically to include the period from the 14th to the 17th century, and geographically to include transnational dialogues between Italy and other cultures (e.g. Latin American, Mediterranean, African, Asian etc.). Projects should apply digital technologies such as mapping, textual analysis, visualization, or the semantic web to topics in fields such as art and architecture, history, literature, material culture, music, philosophy, religion, and history of science.

Applications can be written in English or Italian and must submitted electronically by midnight on December 14, 2015. Scholars can apply to only one type of I Tatti Fellowship at a time.

In order to give your referees adequate time to submit letters of recommendation, click the reference tab and register them as early as possible. Referees will receive an email requesting letters, written in English or Italian. These must be submitted electronically by December 14.

Application forms will be available by September 22.

Further informations

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