Divine Ideas in Franciscan Thought

Segnaliamo il volume, a cura di I. Zavattero e I. Falà, dal titolo: “Divine Ideas in Franciscan Thought

Qui una breve descrizione del contenuto:

This volume presents a series of papers on the 13th and 14th century Franciscan debate on divine ideas. Most of the principal Franciscan authors of the time are considered: from Alexandre de Hales and the first Franciscan masters of theology to the late-14th-century thinker John of Ripa, including Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, John Duns Scotus, Peter John Olivi, Petrus de Trabibus, James of Ascoli, William of Ockham, William of Alnwick, Petrus Thomae, Peter Auriol, Hugh of Novocastro, Landulph Caracciolo, and Francis of Meyronnes. Their doctrines are carefully analysed and contextualised within the general frame of 13th- and 14th-century Franciscan theology.

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