CfP: Where Does it Hurt? Ancient Medicine in Questions and Answers
CfP: Where Does it Hurt?, Ancient Medicine in Questions and Answers, International Conference, Leuven 30–31 August 2016
CfP: Where Does it Hurt?, Ancient Medicine in Questions and Answers, International Conference, Leuven 30–31 August 2016
Il y a 750 ans Thomas d’Aquin entreprenait la Somme de théologie, 3 et 4 décembre 2015
14 available PhD positions within H2020 ITN- HHFDWC-676258 – The History of Human Freedom and Dignity in Western Civilization The Marie Curie ITN “The History of Human Freedom and Dignity in Western Civilization” – a collaboration between 6 universities and 9 non-academic partner organizations across Europe – invites applications for …
The award is given for a distinguished new book on medieval or Renaissance Latin as defined in the scope of the series below. Proposals (in English or German) are due by 5 January 2016.
Les Éléments de théologie et le Livre des causes du Ve au XVIIe siècle, 13-14 Novembre 2015, Scarica il programma
Martedì 17 Novembre 2015, Università della Svizzera italiana, La Profezia
Seminario coordinato da: Riccardo Fedriga, Mariateresa Fumagalli Beonio Brocchieri e Roberto Limonta, Scarica il programma
Ponctuation, Segmentation, Matérialité des Textes
Langues d’Europe (Moyen Âge et Renaissance) UNIVERSITÉ DE SALAMANQUE du 23 au 25 septembre 2015, Scarica il programma
International Medieval Congress 2016, University of Leeds, 4-7 July 2016 – Special thematic strand: Food, Feast & Famine, International Medieval Sermon Studies Society Call for papers for a series of linked panels on: “Lenten sermons: Fasting of the body, banquet of the soul”
, Scarica il testo della call for papers
Please find in attachment a job vacancy at Ghent University for a PhD student in a project entitled:
“Collaborative Authorship in Twelfth-Century Latin Literature: A Stylometric Approach to Gender, Synergy and Authority”.
EMINARIO INTERNAZIONALE DI CRITICA DANTESCA DUE CATEGORIE: STRUTTURA/POESIA E FIGURA, 15 e 16 ottobre 2015, Department of Italian Studies, University of Toronto and the Emilio Goggio Chair in Italian Studies, Scarica la Call for Paper