Homo Logicus. Logic at the Edges of Humanity. Historical, anthropological, philosophical approaches

L’European University Institute organizza il workshop dal titolo: “Homo Logicus. Logic at the Edges of Humanity. Historical, anthropological, philosophical approaches” Convenors : Julie Brumberg-Chaumont (CNRS), Antonella Romano (EHESS), Stéphane Van Damme (EUI) 8-9 Settembre – European University Institute, Sala Europa, Villa Schifanoia, Firenze. Per ulteriori informazioni è possibile consultare e scaricare …


21st European Symposium of Medieval Logic and Semantics – 30 Giugno – 5 Luglio 2016, Pisa

Dal 30 Giugno – 5 Luglio 2016, presso il Palazzo della Carovana, Scuola Normale Superiore, Piazza dei Cavalieri 7, Pisa, si terrà il ventunesimo European Symposium of Medieval Logic and Semantics: Mereology in Medieval Logic and Metaphysics. A cura di: Fabrizio Amerini Massimo Mugnai Riccardo Strobino Per ulteriori informazioni, è possibile visualizzare …


PhD fellowship Aristoteles Latinus

Project The PhD fellowship is part of the project Questions of life and death. An inquiry into the reception of Aristotle’ s De longitudine et brevitate vitae and De iuventute et senectute, De vita et morte, De respiratione in the Middle Ages, financed by the Fund for Scientific Research – …


Wilhelm Petrus von Godino und die Quaestio utrum essentiae rerum creatarum sint ab aeterno. Bemerkungen zur Ewigkeit der Welt in der handschriftlichen Tradition der Lectura Thomasina.

Schermata 2016-04-17 alle 12.49.02

Forschungskolloquium, 28.06.2016, 18.00 Uhr, Universität zu Köln, Thomas-Institut, Seminarraum im EG Dr. Andrea Colli: Wilhelm Petrus von Godino und die Quaestio utrum essentiae rerum creatarum sint ab aeterno. Bemerkungen zur Ewigkeit der Welt in der handschriftlichen Tradition der Lectura Thomasina.

Call for Job: Lecturer in Medieval Latin

School of History, Classics & Archaeology The University of Edinburgh Applications are invited from scholars of the highest calibre with research interests and teaching experience in Medieval Latin (ca. AD 500–1500). The successful candidate is expected to contribute to teaching and supervision at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, including potentially the …


Das Wissenssystem begründet auf dem geozentrischen Weltbild. Seine Entwicklung vom Spätmittelalter bis zum Ende der Frühneuzeit anhand der Tradition der Traktate ‘De sphaera’ von Johannes von Sacrobosco

Schermata 2016-04-17 alle 12.49.02

Forschungskolloquium 03.05.2016, 18.00 Uhr, Universität zu Köln, Thomas-Institut, Seminarraum im EG Dr. Matteo Vallerriani (Berlin): Das Wissenssystem begründet auf dem geozentrischen Weltbild. Seine Entwicklung vom Spätmittelalter bis zum Ende der Frühneuzeit anhand der Tradition der Traktate ‘De sphaera’ von Johannes von Sacrobosco