Call for Papers: EGSAMP Summerschool 2016 (15-19 August & Workshops 19-22 August)

The EGSAMP Summer School 2016 (15-19 August 2016 & Workshops 19-22 August 2016) is organized in connection with the chair of philosophy (Milan Dordevic) of the Saint Clement of Ohrid Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the The Saints Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje in a guest house of the university at the most beautiful Lake Ohrid, which counts among the UNESCO Cultural as well as Natural World Heritage Sites (

The summer school’s topic “Locality and cross-border exchange in the Middle ages” reflects upon the actual socio-political issues concerning Macedonia (the immigrant issue, the border-building, “defending” Europe etc.), even if the thematic focus of the summer school remains medieval. The topic will be developed by distinguished invited speakers.

Moreover, PhD students and Postdoc fellows are invited to present their PhD and research projects – preferably in connection with the general theme. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss their ongoing research, enhance their competence in the various fields of editing and analysing philosophical texts and get helpful feedback regarding their projects by internationally renowned scholars.

Possible topics for presentations:

Borders: mental isolation – enemies and friends – otherness – distractions – oppositions – ethics

Exchange: libraries – translations and interpretations – self-rediscovering – fermenting –conversions – dialogues

Weekend workshops:

Workshops will be organized during the weekend. There are already several suggestions (e.g. A Lexicon of Byzantine Philosophical Terms; Greek into Arabic into Latin: the influence of the Arabic; parallel text readings e.g. on Aristotle, De anima)

Application requirements:

PhD students and Postdocs interested in taking part in the summer school are invited to send a CV and a short abstract (max. 300 words) of their proposed paper by 10 May.

All participants should submit their application by 30 May.

Please direct applications or any additional inquiries to Milan Đorđević (Skopje): and Lars Reuke (Cologne):


Participants will enjoy free accomodation and meals. Moreover, a limited number of travel stipends can be provided by EGSAMP and by the S.I.E.P.M.

Scientific Committee:
Milan Dordević (Skopje), Georgi Kapriev (Sofia), Mikonja Knežević (Kosovska Mitrovica), Smilen Markov (Veliko Trnovo), Evelina Miteva (Cologne), Fiorella Retucci (Lecce), Stefan Sandžakoski (Skopje), Risto Soluncev (Skopje), Andreas Speer (Cologne), Michele Trizio (Bari)


Milan Đorđević (Skopje): Andreas Speer (Cologne): Lars Reuke (Cologne):

Some informations about the University of Skopje and the Faculty of Theology:

The Saints Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje (Macedonian: Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ – Скопје) is the largest university in the Republic of Macedonia. More than 50,000 students study at the Skopje University, including some 700 foreign students. Furthermore, the teaching and research staff number 2,390 people; this is further supported by over 300 members in the university’s institutions. – Official site:

The Saint Clement of Ohrid Faculty of Orthodox Theology was founded in 1977 by the Macedonian Orthodox Church – Archdiocese of Ohrid. The Faculty of Theology has been recognized as a direct successor and restorer of the University of St. Clement which was founded 1122 years ago. With the Cooperation Agreement between the Holy Synod of MOC and UKIM the Faculty today is a member of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. – Official site:

About the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne:

a.r.t.e.s. is the Graduate School for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Cologne. As an integrated graduate school a.r.t.e.s. addresses the entire humanities and facilitates the successful attainment of a doctorate within an interdisciplinary structured doctoral programme. a.r.t.e.s. is promoted by the German Excellence Initiative, the DAAD and recently by the EU within “Horizon 2020”.

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